Saturday, February 28, 2009

but it was only fantasy
the wall was too high

Friday, February 27, 2009


kate lanphear wearing a lanvin ring

Thursday, February 26, 2009

messages archivés; vieux souvenirs.
28-29/05/07 black rebel motorcycle club

tu es belle comme un coeur.


on me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
que de nos chagrins il s'en fait des manteaux

in the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more

don't look at me, please.,
i've got a ghost in my head

you're a lie.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i love her
i love her
i love her

jeffrey campbell biker boots.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i don't care
j'laime bien, moi



Monday, February 23, 2009

Tout m'avale. Quand j'ai les yeux fermés, c'est par mon ventre que je suis avalée, c'est dans mon ventre que j'étouffe. Quand j'ai les yeux ouverts, c'est par ce que je vois que je suis avalée, c'est dans le ventre de ce que je vois que je suffoque. Je suis avalée par le fleuve trop grand, par le ciel trop haut, par les fleurs trop fragiles, par les papillons trop craintifs, par le visage trop beau de ma mère. Le visage de ma mère est beau pour rien. S'il était laid, il serait laid pour rien. Les visages, beaux ou laids, ne servent à rien. On regarde un visage, un papillon, une fleur, et ça nous travaille, puis ça nous irrite. Si on se laisse faire, ça nous désespère. Il ne devrait pas y avoir de visages, de papillons, de fleurs. Que j'aie les yeux ouverts ou fermés, je suis englobée : il n'y a plus assez d'air tout à coup, mon cœur se serre, la peur me saisit.
l'amour est une catastrophe magnifique : savoir que l'on fonce dans un mur, et accélérer quand même.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


you smoke your cigarettes down to the bone.
you don't matter enough to upset me.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

paul smith backstage.

just beautiful

can you hear them? the helicopters? i'm in new york, no need for words now. we sit in silence. you look me, in the eye directly. you met me, i think it's wednesday, the evening. the mess we're in, and the city sun sets over me.

night and day, i dream of making love to you now, baby. love making on screen, impossible dream. and i have seen the sunrise over the river. the freeway reminding of this mess we're in, and the city sun sets over me.

what were you wanting? i just want to say, don't ever change now, baby. and thank you, i don't think we will meet again. and you must leave now, before the sunrise above skyscrapers. the sin and this mess we're in, and the city sun sets over me.
i once knew,
i once loved(L) some people

but, you know, they forgot about me.
it's ok,c'est moi la conne

Friday, February 20, 2009

good god, tragic
Hello my love
It's getting cold on this island
I'm sad alone
I'm so sad on my own
The truth is
We were much too young

jill stuart backstage (irina kulikova, siri tollerod)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

un mojito, svp

je ne veux plus jamais te voir ici, jamais.

toujours, de la dentelle

bitten lips

le soleil ne brille pas pour toi, luna.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

(parce que marie a toujours raison) rodarte; sublime.
les bottes...les b o t t e s!
les soeurs ont du gout

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ma princesse d'amour;
je ne suis plus que caféine.
le.temps.passe.trop.vite. et je suis tellement fatiguée.

Monday, February 16, 2009

ohmygod, erin fetherston! (mariemariemarie)

marc by marc jacobs black crystal gem bauble ring.

tres gros, tres lourd.

farewell my black balloon

Saturday, February 14, 2009

j'aimerai sans amour, sans souffrir, comme si j'étais quartz. je vivrai sans que mon coeur batte, sans avoir de coeur.

no, not true.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Adieu tristesse
Bonjour tristesse
tu es inscrite dans les lignes du plafond
Tu es inscrite dans les yeux que j'aime
Tu n'es pas tout à fait la misère
Car les lèvres les plus pauvres te dénoncent
Par un sourire
Bonjour tristesse
Amour des corps aimables
Puissance de l'amour dont l'amabilité surgit
Comme un monstre sans corps
Tête désappointée
Tristesse beau visage

the snow queen.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Question: If you could go back in time, which period would you like to go to and why?

Answer: I would have been born in the late 40’s, a kid without a TV, surviving on mail-ordering photographs and autographs and sacred knick-knacks, corresponding with strangers, pen-pals,in a time before the porno digital revolution, when the implication was more obscure, more beautiful, and people talked, in a time when philosophy and strange habits were admired, in a time when things were inky and still poisonous, in a time before the remote control, in a time when the questions were more obscene than the answers, in an age of opinion when people really took sides, in an age of thinkers and good service, in a time when real con men and bank robbers were hard to catch, in a time before sky high security, in a time before marshal law, in a time when one could walk right off the map, in a time when entertainment was artistic, not mathematic, in a time when value was valuable, not obese with emptiness. I probably would have gone to New York in the mid-60’s, left home where my mother was holed up oil painting, my father hot-roding cars, and darted for the city alone. I would have liked to see it all begin, tired of the hippies, plunging into the first of the drug party art galleries, the Warhol dreamscape, watching Edie Sedgwick climbing walls to heaven and slipping over the side with big deer eyes in headlights, still dancing. And the Velvets playing all those weird places doing what nobody wanted but what everyone needed. And watching the darker art punks mingling with the aristos and the street people and the rich artists fucking the poor artists and then everyone changing places, fluxuating and trying each other out and everything out, leaving behind the stiff values that plagued youth yesterday. A time when no one knew what the drugs would do, before worry was born the way it is today, flourishing like a nomadic plague. See Andy and Bridget Berlin sitting in a window of a diner eating hamburgers and drinking chocolate milkshakes in upper Manhattan, admiring transvestites with bad skin walking by like cowboys, because last week they were real cowboys. And to be in the lobby of the Chelsea Hotel with Stanley when he was young, witnessing the chaos there when Edie set fire to 105, and/or just the general chaos there, the abrupt art and the abrupt deaths, the calm before the storm, the storm, the blackouts, the hysteria and all the imagination it took to do all that art, those films, those books, those songs, in a time before people knew what to do with them, before the salesman was perfected, when art was an addiction and artists, mysterious, and rarely careerists, and you could still identify with, and fall in love with- the true spirit of lose canons.
-Alison Mosshart
J'ai fermé les yeux pour ne plus rien voir
J'ai fermé les yeux pour pleurer
De ne plus te voir.

Où sont tes mains et les mains des caresses
Où sont tes yeux les quatre volontés du jour
Toi tout à perdre tu n'es plus là

Pour éblouir la mémoire des nuits.
Tout à perdre je me vois vivre

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

je suis la pour détruire mon corps.

labyrinthes est un bijou

parce qu'elle est si belle,
et que ton coeur n'est plus celui que j'ai tant aimé.

j'ai souffert, tu souffriras.

they say i'll bring nothing but darkness

Monday, February 9, 2009

judith bedard

Saturday, February 7, 2009

on prédisait que j'allais mourir jeune ou que je finirais dans un hôpital psychiatrique. je suis pas mal plus sage que le monde peut le croire.

old soul; i

love you.

Friday, February 6, 2009

nouvelles bottes. encore. encore.
a ne JAMAIS mettre l'hiver.


stockholm, stockholm, stockholm

Thursday, February 5, 2009

chanceux ceux qui n'ont pas d'hiver..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

je suis une baleine
oui, je manque lykke li, aujourd'hui.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

on joue aux couteaux et on peut partager le meme lit

pfff, elle les a eu GRATUITEMENT. moi qui aurait tout donné pour en avoir..

and i don't know what i'm meant to feel anymore

Monday, February 2, 2009

i thought i was alright

je ne veux surtout pas tomber dans ton piege.

Décidement, mettre des high high heels pour marcher dehors n'était pas l'idée du siècle.
Et puis seulement un café de 8 a 4 c'est pas assez.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


time ain't gonna cure you, honey, time don't give a shit

kaya scodelario (skins).